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5 Immunity Boosting Anti-Viral Indian Spices

Writer's picture: Team Bombay Team Bombay

Updated: Jan 8, 2021

We are living in some uncertain times. Taking care of yourself and boosting your immunity could be your best bet against any form of a viral attack. Indian spices for thousands of years have not only amplified the taste of our food, but also helped boost our immunity levels.

Known for its range of intricate ingredients, tongue licking flavors, and abundance of health benefits, Indian cuisine has become one of the world's most popular cuisines.

The diverse range of spices available across India are viewed as a sacred aspect of the Indian diet and draw upon ancient Ayurveda traditions.

From London to Dubai, Hong Kong to LA, you can find an Indian restaurant just about anywhere these days. Bombay Mahal in Brunswick, Maine has been helping its customers taste India’s love of spices for over 30 years, as the state's oldest Indian restaurant.

Aside from staple spices such as ginger, garlic, & cinnamon, here are 5 immunity boosting anti-viral Indian spices that could help you defend yourself against a growing viral attack.


Used for over 4,000 years, turmeric is a vital aspect of Indian cooking and used by millions as a medicine in Ayurveda practices. Traditionally many across the sub-continent used turmeric for its healing purposes for wounds, inflammation, and release of mucus. It is also viewed to help combat infections and boost overall health. Studies has also shown turmeric can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and joint inflammation.


Long used in Ayurveda as a remedy against colds, coughs and dental treatments, cloves are known to shield the body against infections and have antiseptic properties. They contain a compound called Eugenol which acts as a natural antioxidant. Eugenol stops the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.


Known as jeera across India, most dishes in Indian cooking are not complete without the use of cumin. Cumin is known to relieve digestive problems serving as a laxative, reduce anemia, alleviate symptoms of the common cold, as well help control stomach pain, indigestion, diarrhea, nausea, and morning sickness.


Not to be confused with green cardamom, black cardamom eases digestive problems and reduces flatulence. It is known to provide relief from certain respiratory problems, chest congestion, as well as gum infections. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties and alleviation of muscle spasms, black cardamom is a saving aid for many asthmatics.


Asafoetida or hing is an age-old medicine found across South Asia and a popular ingredient in several Indian curries and lentil dishes. This flavorful agent has notable health benefits ranging from treating stomach problems including gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), menstrual pain as well as respiratory disorders such as the common cough, asthma, and bronchitis.

Although spices may complement other treatments, they should not be used in place of medical care for serious conditions.

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